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19 articles filed in
Book Chapter
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Democracy Before and After the State

Democracy Before and After the State [This conversation with Francis Fukuyama first appears in the book Democratic Theorists in Conversation: Turns in Contemporary Thought.] Citation guide: “Fukuyama, Francis and Jean-Paul Gagnon. 2014. “Democracy Before and After the State” in Gagnon, JP, Democratic Theorists in Conversation: Turns in Contemporary Thought, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 42-55. Defining democracy […]

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The Cultural Turn in New Democratic Theory

The Cultural Turn in New Democratic Theory [This conversation with Ramin Jahanbegloo first appears in the book Democratic Theorists in Conversation: Turns in Contemporary Thought.] Citation guide: Jahanbegloo, Ramin and Jean-Paul Gagnon. 2014. “The Cultural Turn in New Democratic Theory”. In JP Gagnon, Democratic Theorists in Conversation: Turns in Contemporary Thought (Palgrave Macmillan). Pp. 56-71. […]

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The Changing History of Democracy

The Changing History of Democracy [This conversation with Albert Weale first appears in the book Democratic Theorists in Conversation: Turns in Contemporary Thought.] Citation guide: Weale, Albert and Jean-Paul Gagnon. 2014. “The Changing History of Democracy”. In Gagnon, JP, Democratic Theorists in Conversation: Turns in Contemporary Thought. Palgrave Macmillan. Pp. 30-41. Defining democracy Gagnon: How […]

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Nonhuman Democratic Practice: Democracy among the Bees

Nonhuman Democratic Practice: Democracy among the Bees [This conversation with Thomas Seeley was first published in the book Democratic Theorists in Conversation: Turns in Contemporary Thought.] Citation guide: Seeley, Thomas and Jean-Paul Gagnon. 2014. “Nonhuman Democratic Practice: Democracy Among the Bees”. In Gagnon, JP, Democratic Theorists in Conversation: Turns in Contemporary Thought. Palgrave Macmillan. Pp. […]

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Global Leviathan Rising

Global Leviathan Rising [This conversation with Noam Chomsky was first published in the book Democratic Theorists in Conversation: Turns in Contemporary Thought.] Defining democracy Gagnon: How do you define democracy? Chomsky: At the very minimum, a democracy is a political system in which popular opinion has a substantial – one might say decisive – influence […]

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Conclusion: Shapes of the Frontier

Conclusion: Shapes of the Frontier [This is the final chapter of the book Democratic Theorists in Conversation: Turns in Contemporary Thought first published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2014.] Shapes – they are objects of differing dimensions, compositions and structures. Together they can make striking mosaics. On their own they can offer conceptual boundaries. Shapes are […]

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The Impossibility of ‘Knowing’ Democracy

The Impossibility of ‘Knowing’ Democracy [This conversation with John Dunn took place in his office at King’s College, Cambridge University, an video of which can be found here. The talk was first published in the book Democratic Theorists in Conversation: Turns in Contemporary Thought.] Defining democracy Gagnon: How do you define democracy? Dunn: Well, I […]

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Enlivening the Democratic Imagination

Enlivening the Democratic Imagination [This conversation with John Keane was first published in the book Democratic Theorists in Conversation: Turns in Contemporary Thought.] Defining democracy Gagnon: How do you define democracy? Keane: My conjecture is that, in matters of democracy, we are living in a period that resembles the end of the eighteenth century and […]

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Certain Turns of Modernity in Democratic Theory

Certain Turns of Modernity in Democratic Theory [This conversation with Pierre Rosanvallon was held in French, over the phone, and translated by Phil Paine. It first appears in the book Democratic Theorists in Conversation: Turns in Contemporary Thought.] Defining democracy Gagnon: What is your conception of democracy? Rosanvallon: The a priori definition of democracy is […]

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Twists of Democratic Governance

Twists of Democratic Governance [This conversation was first published in the book Democratic Theorists in Conversation: Turns in Contemporary Thought.] Defining democracy Gagnon: How do you conceptualize democracy? Dryzek: First of all I should say that I do not particularly like foundational philosophical questions and I’m not very good at dealing with conceptualizing democracy at […]

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