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An Interview with Dr. Jean-Paul Gagnon on Democratic Theory and Politics

An Interview with Dr. Jean-Paul Gagnon on Democratic Theory and Politics Originally published December 11, 2011, by the Centre for Strategic Research and Analysis (online March 28, 2014). Interview conducted by Husrev Tabak. [The first interview I gave aside from answering a few questions for a local journalist who visited my grammar school when I […]

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Globalizing the Intellectual History of Democracy

Professor Samuel Moyn (Yale) and Jean-Paul Gagnon (Canberra) in conversation.

Globalizing the Intellectual History of Democracy Originally published by Democratic Theory, 7(1), Summer 2020. Pp. 99-107. [The drive for this conversation, with Professor Samuel Moyn, came in most part out of a trend I had been observing in the democratic theory literature. There is a double dynamic at play, particularly over the last 15 or […]

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