[This data is companion to a research note first published in Democratic Theory.]
Citation guide: Gagnon, Jean-Paul. 2018. “Supplement C – 2,234 Descriptions of Democracy: An Update to Democracy’s Ontological Pluralism”. Democratic Theory, 5 (1): 92-113.
[1] Browder, Earl. The Way Out. New York: International Publishers.
Date of Publication: 1941.
Type of Publication: book.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “foundations of Jeffersonian-Lincolnian democracy have been irretrievably” p. 235.
Citation link with: n/a.
[2] Santee, J. F. “Implementing the Democratic Ideal”. The Social Studies, 38 (7): 291–204.
Date of Publication: 1947.
Type of Publication: journal article, print.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “the implementation of Lincolnian democracy is to be” p. 293.
Citation link with: n/a.
[3] Rosenberry, Edward H. “Walt Whitman’s All American Poet”. Delaware Notes. Volumes, 31–34. Pp. 1–12.
Date of Publication: 1959.
Type of Publication: journal article, print.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “the gospel of Lincolnian democracy in scathing contrast” p. 3.
Citation link with: n/a.
[4] Jansen, Marius B. Sakamoto Ryþma and the Meiji Restoration. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Date of Publication: 1961. [NB: the 2015 reprint was searched through].
Type of Publication: monograph.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “nationalism, then of Lincolnian democracy. A glance at” p. 188.
Citation link with: n/a.
[5] Randall, James Garfield and David Herbert Donald. The Divided Union. New York: Little, Brown.
Date of Publication: 1961.
Type of Publication: book.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “of Jeffersonian and Lincolnian democracy had been submerged” p. 274.
Citation link with: n/a.
[6] Grazia, Alfred De. The Elements of Political Science. Volume 1. New York: Free Press.
Date of Publication: 1965.
Type of Publication: book.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “make Jeffersonian and Lincolnian democracy work, from the” p. 48.
Citation link with: n/a.
[7] Cakravartin, Atulþnanda. The Lonesome Pilgrim. Delhi: Allied Publishers.
Date of Publication: 1969.
Type of Publication: book.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 2
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]:
(1) “the cause of Lincolnian democracy and the U.S.S.R.” p. 103.
(2) “to shake up Lincolnian democracy with the elixir” p. 104.
Citation link with: n/a.
[8] Randall, J. G. and David Herbert Donald. The Civil War and Reconstruction. London: D. C. Heath and Company.
Date of Publication: 1969.
Type of Publication: book.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “of Jeffersonian and Lincolnian democracy had been submerged” p. 274.
Citation link with: n/a.
[9] Lewis, Merrill E. “The Art of Frederick Jackson Turner”. Huntington Library Quarterly, 35 (3): 241–255.
Date of Publication: 1972.
Type of Publication: journal article, print.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “The ascension of Lincolnian democracy was a sign” p. 253.
Citation link with: n/a.
[10] Flanner, Janet. Darlinghissima: Letters to a Friend. New York: Random House.
Date of Publication: 1985.
Type of Publication: book.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1.
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “heard anything but Lincolnian democracy, of the sort” p. 176.
Citation link with: n/a.
[11] Roper, Jon. Democracy and Its Critics: Anglo-American Democratic Thought in the Nineteenth Century. London: Unwin & Hyman.
Date of Publication: 1989.
Type of Publication: monograph.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1.
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “there is no Lincolnian democracy or Rooseveltian democracy” p. 55.
Citation link with: n/a.
[12] Silver, Regene Henriette Spero. Jane Addams: Peace, Justice, Gender, 1860– 1918. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Date of Publication: 1990.
Type of Publication: dissertation.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “the principles of Lincolnian democracy. In the second”. p. 73.
Citation link with: n/a.
[13] Buhle, Paul. Marxism in the United States: Remapping the History of the American Left. Brooklyn: Verso.
Date of Publication: 1991.
Type of Publication: monograph.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1.
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “of the republic. Lincolnian democracy had never intended” p. 78.
Citation link with: n/a.
[14] Clanton, O. Gene. Populism: The Humane Preference in America, 1890– 1900. Boston: Twayne Publishers.
Date of Publication: 1991.
Type of Publication: book.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “Jeffersonian, Jacksonian, and Lincolnian democracy. Following the Civil”. p. xvi.
Citation link with: n/a.
[15] Teaford, Jon C. Cities of the Heartland: The Rise and Fall of the Industrial Midwest. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Date of Publication: 1993.
Type of Publication: monograph.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “and regain the Lincolnian democracy of the bygone” p. 132.
Citation link with: n/a.
[16] Wiebe, Robert H. “Current Thinking about Democracy in America”. Nanzan Review of American Studies, 19 (1): 1–12.
Date of Publication: 1997.
Type of Publication: journal article, print.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1.
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “romanticized Jacksonian and Lincolnian democracy. Rather than a” p. 7.
Citation link with: n/a.
[17] Jameson, Elizabeth. All That Glitters: Class, Conflict, and Community in Cripple Creek. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
Date of Publication: 1998.
Type of Publication: monograph.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “the party with Lincolnian democracy rather than with” p. 188.
Citation link with: n/a.
[18] Polikoff, Barbara Garland. With One Bold Act: The Story of Jane Addams. Chicago: Boswell Books.
Date of Publication: 1999.
Type of Publication: book.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 2
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]:
(1) “given a chance, Lincolnian democracy would work. The” p. 69.
(2) “any pretence of Lincolnian democracy and announce ‘Ladies” p. 82.
Citation link with: n/a.
[19] Jones, Treffor. The Retreat of the State. Norwich: Canterbury Press.
Date of Publication: 1999.
Type of Publication: book, for travel.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “its repute within Lincolnian democracy as answerable to”. p. 46.
Citation link with: n/a.
[20] Seldon, Arthur. “The Retreat of the State from Social Welfare”. Economic Notes, 87: 1–6. Available online: http://www.libertarian.co.uk/sites/default/lanotepdf/econn087.pdf.
Date of Publication: 1999.
Type of Publication: article, in a society gazette.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “its repute within Lincolnian democracy as answerable to” p. 2.
Citation link with: n/a.
[21] Morrisey, Will. Self-Government, The American Theme: Presidents of the Founding and Civil War. Lanham: Lexington Books.
Date of Publication: 2003.
Type of Publication: monograph.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1.
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “idea of democracy. Lincolnian democracy is the photographic” p. 184.
Citation link with: n/a.
[22] Chatturvedi/y, J. C. (ed). Political Governance: Political Theory. Delhi: Isha Books.
Date of Publication: 2005.
Type of Publication: edited collection.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1.
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “make Jeffersonian and Lincolnian democracy work, from the” p. 63.
Citation link with: n/a.
[23] Sisson, Richard, Christian Zacher, and Andrew Cayton (eds). The American Midwest: An Interpretive Encyclopedia. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Date of Publication: 2007.
Type of Publication: encyclopedia.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1.
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “western mythology of Lincolnian democracy, the linear, spare” p. 1234.
Citation link with: n/a.
[24] Ayim, Martin Ayong. Former British Southern Cameroons Journey Towards Complete Decolonization, Independence, and Sovereignty. Bloomington: Authorhouse.
Date of Publication: 2008.
Type of Publication: book, self-published.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “unfortunately, because, Polyarchy (Lincolnian democracy) is a game” p. 99.
Citation link with: n/a.
[25] Hassan, Robert. “Crisis Time: Networks, Acceleration and Politics within Late Capitalism”. CTHEORY, available online: https://journals.uvic.ca/index.php/ctheory/article/view/14767/5639.
Date of Publication: 2009.
Type of Publication: journal article, electronic.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “essential truths of Lincolnian democracy were perfectly suited” p. unavailable
Citation link with: n/a.
[26] Sands, Eric C. American Public Philosophy and the Mystery of Lincolnism. Columbia: University of Missouri Press.
Date of Publication: 2009.
Type of Publication: monograph.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “emergence of a Lincolnian democracy, or a ‘Lincolnism’” p. 1.
Citation link with: n/a.
[27] Cullen, David O’Donald and Kyle G Wilkinson (eds). The Texas Left: The Radical Roots of Lone Star Liberalism. College Station: Texas A&M University Press.
Date of Publication: 2010.
Type of Publication: edited collection.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 2
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]:
(1) “Jeffersonian, Jacksonian, and Lincolnian democracy, with occasional nods” p. 57
(2) “Jacksonian, Jeffersonian, and Lincolnian democracy in their crusade” p. 69
Citation link with: n/a.
[28] Doli, Dren and Fisnik Korenica. “Calling Kosovo’s Constitution: A Legal Review”. The Denning Law Journal, 22: 51–85.
Date of Publication: 2010.
Type of Publication: journal article, print.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “the Constitution promotes ‘Lincolnian Democracy’. Following that section” p. 60.
Citation link with: n/a.
List of works using ‘Lincolnian democracy’ with an incomplete record
[1] Shaw, Albert. “The Drinkwater Play of ‘Abraham Lincoln’.” Review of Reviews and World’s Work. Volume 61. Issue (?).
Date of Publication: 1920.
Type of Publication: magazine article, print.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “world. The familiar Lincolnian democracy which is also” p. 210. (Same as Planck entry—unable to access either title fully and therefore cannot explain this reproduction).
Citation link with: n/a.
[2] W. E. B. DuBois(?). ‘The Looking Glass’. The Crisis: A Record of the Darker Races, 28 (1): 1–36. Edited by: Jessie Redmon Fauset.
Date of Publication: 1924.
Type of Publication: magazine article, print.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “sway of perverted Lincolnian democracy . . . superior intelligence being” p. 35.
Citation link with: n/a.
[3] Roeder, Alois Wilhelm. John Drinkwater als Dramatiker. Unknown: Verlag des Englischen Seminars der Universität Giessen.
Date of Publication: 1927.
Type of Publication: notes from an academic seminar.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “world. The familiar Lincoln democracy, providing an equal” p. 18.
Citation link with: n/a.
[4] Author unknown. ‘Books’. New York Herald Tribune. Volume 19, Issue 2.
Date of Publication: 1943.
Type of Publication: probably a book review.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “and Jacksonian democracy, Lincolnian democracy,” (last 3 words omitted by Google) p. 9.
Citation link with: n/a.
[5] Author unknown. Title unknown. Britain To-Day. Issues 129–140. University Press.
Date of Publication: 1946.
Type of Publication: most likely the proceedings of a town hall meeting.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “Esquire, graduating in Lincolnian democracy and the art” p. 212.
Citation link with: n/a.
[6] Author unknown. Title unknown. Town Meeting. Volume 12.
Date of Publication: 1946.
Type of Publication: radio program.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “so much in Lincolnian democracy, Mr. Ingersoll, that” p. 9.
Citation link with: n/a.
[7] Author unknown. Title unknown. Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the United States Congress. Volume 93, part 10.
Date of Publication: 1947.
Type of Publication: congress proceedings.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “The goal of Lincolnian democracy was to secure” p. A-626.
Citation link with: n/a.
[8] Markham, Reuben Henry. Rumania Under the Soviet Yoke/Tito’s Imperial Communism. Unknown: Meador Pub. Co.
Date of Publication: 1947.
Type of Publication: book.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “the antithesis of Lincolnian democracy. His attitude embodies” p. 200.
Citation link with: n/a.
[9] Author unknown. Title unknown. National Republic. Volumes 38–39.
Date of Publication: 1950.
Type of Publication: magazine article, print.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “and his almost Lincolnian democracy. During his visit” p. 14.
Citation link with: n/a.
[10] Author unknown. Title unknown. Symposium of the Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion. New York: Harper & Brothers.
Date of Publication: 1953.
Type of Publication: conference proceedings.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “trace of a Lincolnian democracy (and not merely” p. 166.
Citation link with: n/a.
[11] Author unknown. Title unknown. Journal of East Asiatic Studies. Volume 5. University of Manilla.
Date of Publication: 1956.
Type of Publication: journal article, print.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “we find the Lincolnian democracy of ‘a government” p. 171.
Citation link with: n/a
[12] Kanamori, Tokujirþ. Religion and State in Japan: A Discussion of Religion and State in Relation to the Constitution. International Institute for the
Study of Religions.
Date of Publication: 1959.
Type of Publication: probably a research report.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “of Nazi Germany. Lincolnian democracy was government of” p. 31.
Citation link with: n/a.
[13] Bittelman, Alex. A Communist Views America’s Future. Unknown: Unknown.
Date of Publication: 1960.
Type of Publication: probably a book.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 3
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]:
(1) “the emergence of Lincolnian democracy. These were struggles” p. 56.
(2) “further development of Lincolnian democracy in the life” p. 121.
(3) “by Lincoln and Lincolnian democracy, stepping forward to” p. 249.
Citation link with: n/a.
[14] Planck, Gary R. Abraham Lincoln as Dramatic Hero, Part 1. University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Date of Publication: 1963.
Type of Publication: probably a book.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “world. The familiar Lincolnian democracy which is also” p. 77.
Citation link with: n/a.
[15] Anderson, David D. Critical Studies in American Literature: A Collection of Essays. Karachi: Bureau of Composition, and Translation, University
of Karachi.
Date of Publication: 1964.
Type of Publication: probably a book.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “of Jacksonian and Lincolnian democracy and the American” p. 99.
Citation link with: n/a.
[16] Author unknown. Title unknown. American Dialogue. Unknown: Dialogue Publications.
Date of Publication: 1964.
Type of Publication: book.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “of Jeffersonian and Lincolnian democracy? They were at” p. uknown.
Citation link with: n/a.
[17] Wadia, Ardeshir Ruttonji. Democracy and Society. Unknown: Lalvani.
Date of Publication: 1966.
Type of Publication: book.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “may be that Lincolnian democracy may be attained” p. 56.
Citation link with: n/a.
[18] Liang, Ta Peng. Philippine Parties and Politics: A Historical Study of National Experience in Democracy. Unknown: Gladstone Co.
Date of Publication: 1971.
Type of Publication: book.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “of a true Lincolnian democracy, the establishment of” p. 190.
Citation link with: n/a.
[19] Stone, Isidor F. “Rare Insight from an Official Source: Ignored by Most of the Press”. I. F. Stones’ Bi-weekly. Volume 7. Issue unknown. Millwood, NY: Kraus Reprint Co.
Date of Publication: 1973.
Type of Publication: magazine article, print.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “a Jeffersonian or Lincolnian democracy, there would still” p. 274.
Citation link with: n/a.
[20] Sherwood Anderson (?). Title unknown. The Winesburg Eagle, Volume 5–16.
Date of Publication: 1979.
Type of Publication: magazine article, print.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “of Jacksonian and Lincolnian democracy, and the American” p. unknown.
Citation link with: n/a.
[21] Rosemary Aquino (ed). ‘Perspectives on the Social Responsibility of Business’. Bishops-Businessmen’s Conference (Philippines).
Date of Publication: 1981.
Type of Publication: conference proceedings, print.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “we have accepted Lincolnian democracy-‘- for the people” p. 22.
Citation link with: n/a.
[22] Author unknown. Title unknown. Impresión. Volume and Issue unknown. Diaz Communications Network.
Date of Publication: 1984.
Type of Publication: magazine article, print.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: (first three word omitted by Google) “Lincolnian democracy, for Mexico which” p. 22.
Citation link with: n/a.
[23] Papo, Joseph M. Sephardim in Twentieth Century America: In Search of Unity. Unknown: Pelé Yoetz Books.
Date of Publication: 1987.
Type of Publication: book.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “Sephardic tradition with Lincolnian democracy was to by-pass” p. unknown.
Citation link with: n/a.
[24] Author unknown. Title unknown. Sino-American Relations. 14 (4): page range unknown. Institute of Sino-American Relations, College of Chinese
Date of Publication: 1988.
Type of Publication: journal article, print.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “fine tradition of Lincolnian democracy, but also that” p. 3.
Citation link with: n/a.
[25] Evanoff, Michael W. Crossing the bar: a lawyer’s odyssey in quest of the Holy Grail of the law, at home and abroad. Herford: Edelweiss Press.
Date of Publication: 1989.
Type of Publication: book.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “exploited, who need Lincolnian democracy. The ghastly” (last word omitted by Google Books). p. 153.
Citation link with: n/a.
[26] Author and title unknown. New Zealand Slavonic Journal. Volume and issue unknown.
Date of Publication: 1991.
Type of Publication: journal article, print.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “a primer in Lincolnian democracy. Hence his recall”. p. unknown.
Citation link with: n/a.
[27] Author Unknown. Title unknown. Chronicles. Vol 28. Rockford Institute.
Date of Publication: unknown, digitized in 2008.
Type of Publication: magazine article, print.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “Aiding and abetting Lincolnian democracy have been the” p. 36.
Citation link with: n/a.
[28] Author Unknown. Title unknown. Choice: Publication of the Association of College and Research Libraries, a Division of the American Library
Association, Volume 47, Issues 1–3.
Date of Publication: unknown, digitized in 2010.
Type of Publication: magazine article, print.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 1
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]: “an example of Lincolnian democracy. Brinkmeyer is convincing” p. 301.
Citation link with: n/a.
[29] Davidson, Larry, Jaak Rakfeldt, and John Strauss. The Roots of the Recovery Movement in Psychiatry: Lessons Learned. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
Date of Publication: 2010.
Type of Publication: book.
Frequency number for ‘Lincolnian Democracy’: 2
Proximal words [range: 3 before, 3 after]:
(1) “of American and Lincolnian democracy. In addition to” p. unknown.
(2) “perspective of Adams’ Lincolnian democracy, a person is” p. unknown.
Citation link with: n/a.
democracy democratic theory democratization Lincoln taxonomy
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