Narratium incorporates two new buttons to the content editor of the posts to add questions and answers in the article.
To indicate that a text string is a question, you just have to select the text and click the “Q” icon button. This will encapsulate the selected text between the tags [question] and [/question]
To indicate that a text string is an answer, you just have to select the text and click the “A” icon button. This will encapsulate the selected text between the tags [answer] and [/answer]
A question and answer text will look like this in the content editor:
[question]How long have you been in Asia now?[/question] [answer]Actually I just realized it’s been a year already. Boy, how time flies when you’re having fun.[/answer]
If you also fill in the “Interview variables” box fields, the article may contains the name of the interviewer and the interviewee along with questions and answers.
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