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5 articles filed in
political theory
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What is Democratic Theory?

What is Democratic Theory? [Rikki Dean, Hans Asenbaum and I began considering the question “what is democratic theory?” at a Participatory and Deliberative Democracy conference held in London. This essay was originally published by Democratic Theory.] Citation guide: Rikki Dean, Hans Asenbaum and Jean-Paul Gagnon. 2019. “What is democratic theory?” Democratic Theory, 6 (2): v-xx. What […]

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What animal could a democracy be? Ape, fox, about jellyfish?

What animal could a democracy be? Ape, fox, lion…how about jellyfish? [This article is part of the Democracy Futures series, a joint global initiative with the Sydney Democracy Network. The project aims to stimulate fresh thinking about the many challenges facing democracies in the 21st century. It is inspired by the Old Canberra Inn – a pub close to […]

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The End of Representative Politics, Revisited

The End of Representative Politics, Revisited [This conversation with Simon Tormey, filmed at his University of Sydney office, first appears in Democratic Theory. It is based on his book, The End of Representative Politics, published by Polity in 2015.] Citation guide: Simon Tormey and Jean-Paul Gagnon. 2017. “The End of Representative Politics, Revisited”. Democratic Theory, […]

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Don't Like the Budget? Your options aren't limited to voting.

A short protest essay, with Mark Chou, to help with the mobilization against an unpopular Australian (Commonwealth) budget proposal.

Don’t like the budget? Your options aren’t limited to voting Originally published by Independent Australia, 30 May 2014. [This short protest essay has quite the backstory. At the time, a Tony Abbott led Liberal National Coalition party was in government in Australia and had proposed a rather unpopular budget. What bristled many was the claim […]

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Democratic Theory and Theoretical Physics

Democratic Theory and Theoretical Physics Originally published by the Taiwan Journal of Democracy, 6(2), 2010. Pp. 1-22. [This journal article was written in the end game of the doctoral thesis I was, at the time, writing whilst an intern at the International Labour Organization in Geneva and, later, at my doctoral alma mater the Queensland […]

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